Festival In Exile in solidarity with Nicaragua

Irish and Nicaraguan artists to gather in Kinvara this weekend

NICARAGUA'S Festival Internacional De Poesia De Granada, a celebrated international poetry event, has been cancelled this year as a result of the serious political crisis the Central American country has been experiencing since April 2018.

In a show of solidarity, Kinvara will host the Festival in Exile, a day of music, poetry, and theatre, in The Courthouse Gallery, Kinvara, this Saturday from 2.30pm to 6.30pm.

There will be readings from poets Rita Ann Higgins [pictured below], Catherine Ann Cullen, Lorna Shaughnessy, Helen Dixon (Nicaragua ), and Sarah Clancy; theatre with Donal O’Kelly and Little John Nee; music from Jayro Gonzalez (Nicaragua ); Lorna Shaughnessy will give a presentation on poets of the Sandinista Revolution; and a panel discussion with Betty Purcell, Molly O’Duffy, Mags Brehony, Mercedes Varona, and Donal O'Kelly.


Those involved in this mini-festival have connections with Nicaragua and were/are supporters of the Sandinista revolution which overthrew the Somoza dictatorship. In recent years however, under the stewardship of Daniel Ortega, and his wife, vice-president Rosario Murillo, ordinary people have faced increasing repression, including last April where demonstrators were killed by state forces and paramilitary organisations.

The MC will be Michael McCaughan, former Irish Times and Guardian Latin America Correspondent. Admission is €5 or by donation for those unwaged. Spaces are limited. Early booking is advised through festivalinexile.eventbrite.ie All are welcome.


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