La Nuit des idées - from the moon to HP Lovecraft

Institut Francais to host an evening of film screenings and talks

TWO FILMS, made almost a century apart, as well as talks on HP Lovecraft and press cartoons in Ireland after 1916, will make up the La Nuit des idées/Night of Ideas 2019 event at NUI Galway.

La Nuit des idées takes place in G011, Moore Institute Seminar Room, Hardiman Research Building, NUI Galway, on Thursday January 31 from 5pm to 7pm. The theme for this year is 'Face au présent'- Facing our time'. This is an annual event which seeks to celebrate the exchange of ideas among countries, cultures, topics and generations.

The speakers at the event are: Prof Grace Neville (University College Cork ), who will focus on the influence of press cartoons in Ireland after 1916, together with representations of Ireland abroad; and postgraduate students, Lucas Cantinelli (French, NUIG ), who will deliver a talk, entitled, 'Gentleman Lost in the 20th Century: HP Lovecraft the ‘Outsider’; Eilish Kavanagh (Heritage Research Group, GMIT ) will speak on 'The Airman and the Rebel: How those in our past can influence our future'; while Masa Uzelac (French, NUIG ) will speak on 'Imagining the future in times of crisis: narrative deconstruction in the utopias of Huxley and Houellebecq'.

The film screenings are Georges Méliès' Le Voyage Dans La Lune, the 1902 sci-fi film, which used special effects that were groundbreaking at the time, and are still impressive now; and La Race, a silent film from 2015 by Michael Le Meur.

The event is organised by the Institut Francais, Paris. For more information see The event is open to the public as well as students.


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