New year, deep clean

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

We are now in the middle of February and life for many of us has settled back down into the regular routine after the Christmas rush.

February can feel like the longest month of the year with the poor weather. For this reason, it is likely that the second month of 2019 will be spent in our homes as we wait for the slightly (and supposed ) gentler climes of March and April.

However, spending so much time in our abodes provides the opportunity to get some deep cleaning done. Why wait until spring to cleanse your house from top to bottom? Do it now when there is nothing else to do. Here at we provide some top tips on what to clean this February.

The Fridge

It is crazy to think that a place where we keep our food is rarely cleaned in comparison to something like our floors. Now one of the major reasons for this is the fridge is in daily use but that is no excuse not to show it some care once in a while. As we cut back on our food intake after the gorging of Christmas, January is an ideal time to clean the fridge as there should be less food to store. The best tools for the fridge are a microfibre sponge and an all-purpose cleaner made with plant-based ingredients.

The Oven

Like the fridge it is highly likely that the oven does not receive a cleaning like the floor does but it probably has a year's worth and grim and grease built up. Oven cleaners are notoriously strong in order to remove tough grease but the corrosive chemicals in oven cleaners may cause breathing problems or skin irritation. You can make a homemade cleaner using half a cup of baking soda, one tablespoon of dish soap, and water, and voilà, you have an oven cleaner.

Windows and walls

If you are fortunate to live a in strong house with good insulation, then you will have very few problems with mould. But for a lot of us, mildew on windows and walls are a constant battle at this time of year because of the Irish climate. Make it a resolution to wipe down windows and walls every evening to make sure condensation does not create the perfect conditions for these fungi to thrive.

If you would like to advertise your cleaning services visit Advertiser Classifieds where you can promote your business for just €4 per month.


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