Just Guff - hit local play returns

A play about politics, Fianna Fáil, and disillusion, set to be performed in the county

WHAT IS it like to be a dedicated member of a political party, working your way up through the ranks, believing in all the party stands for, before seeing that certainty shattered? Just Guff has the answer.

Just Guff, written by Galwegian Jim Ward, and which first appeared at the 2017 Galway Fringe Festival, and was recently seen at the Town Hall Theatre studio, is about to be staged in the county.

"Although the name of the party isn’t mentioned, the play is about Fianna Fáil from the 1960s up to the crash," said Jim Ward. "It covers things like the Arms Crisis, Taca – the organisation of big businessmen supporting the party, the famous ard-fheis where Patrick Hillery marched Kevin Boland out of the hall. It also looks at affairs at the local level and has humorous anecdotes. The central character is an ageing, disillusioned, party hack.”

The play, with script development and direction by Jenny Bassett, will be staged by Hot Potato Productions in The Village Theatre, Carrabane, Athenry, on Friday January 25 and Saturday 26 at 8.30pm. Tickets are €12/10.00 via 087 - 6997357.


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