Local men's and women’s health clinician, Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist, and Dr Audrey Kinahan, pharmacist, University Pharmacy, have announced details of an upcoming Looking Forward after Breast Cancer Surgery seminar.
The seminar will take place on January 21 in the Ardilaun Hotel, from 6.30pm to 9pm. Registration is on EventBrite — search ‘Looking Forward after Breast Cancer Surgery’ — and cost is €10 to attend, payable at the door on the night. Tea and coffee is included, along with a goodie bag and a complimentary raffle. This seminar will include top tips on looking forward after breast cancer surgery and how to get positive, fit, and healthy again for 2019.
This event is for women of all ages (relatives and men are also welcome ) who are trying to improve their health after breast cancer surgery. Topics covered include prevention and treatment for lymphoedema; take up /return to exercise; top tips on bra fitting, protheses, and fillers; and advice on sexual health. Most of these treatments and appliances (including protheses, bras, and lymphoedema treatments ) are covered by medical card or private health insurance. Galway University Hospital breast care nurses will be providing advice on any breast concerns. Samples and handouts will be provided. The exhibition area will include information on skincare, cosmetics, bras, protheses, compression, and wigs.
Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist, will talk about lymphoedema and return to exercise. Dr Audrey Kinahan, with an experienced post-surgery fitter, will cover bra fitting, protheses, and fillers. Dr Mary Rogan, GP and psychosexual therapist, will talk about sexual health after breast cancer.
For more information contact Aoife Ni Eochaidh on 087 2863013, email ippmphysio@gmail.com; or Audrey Kinahan on 091 520115, email galwayfitting@eirpharm.com; or register to attend on EventBrite.ie