City councillor fed up with ‘talking about rubbish’ at meetings

A Galway city councillor has criticised the Galway City Council for wasting time at monthly meetings at City Hall

Galway city west councillor Pearce Flannery’s comments come after the chamber debated what items should be put on the agenda for February’s monthly meeting, including the start time for council meetings for the rest of the current council’s term and a standing order for a prayer to be said at the start of every meeting.

Arguing that this particular item was taking far too long Cllr Flannery stated; “I am flabbergasted. I have never been so disillusioned with the city council like this [in my time in the chamber]. We have wasted a whole meeting talking about rubbish.

“Talking about busking and the prayer; things that do not affect the daily lives of the people of Galway. We are doing this procedure meetings stuff at the expense of important work. We are pandering [to some people’s wishes in the chamber].”

Galway city cathaoirleach Níall McNeilis retotred; “We are not pandering [to anyone in the chamber]. We are going to debate and put these items on the agenda [if agreed].”


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