Give the gift of a language this Christmas

Why not give the gift of a language this Christmas? Conradh na Gaeilge is running a special offer on all its Irish language course vouchers until the end of December.

For just €130 you can purchase a voucher for a 10 week Irish language course. This special offer will not be around forever so grab it while you can. There will be four different levels available on this course with a choice between Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

The teachers have several years of experience facilitating classes to enable learners to develop what they hear, read, and speak in the language. Learners will be amazed at how quickly their confidence develops; understanding and speaking Irish in the relaxed environment of classes where the emphasis is on conversational Irish and words and phrases that are in everyday use.

Classes commence on January 22/23.

Ar smaoinigh tú ar dhearbhán a thabhairt mar bhrontannas Nollaig? Tá muid ag díol dearbháin do na ranganna Gaeilge 2019 ar phraghas €130 in áit €145, ar feadh Mí na Nollag ar fad. Ní bheidh an margadh seo ar fáil ar feadh i bhfad, mar sin tap do dheis agus faigh ar an bpraghas íontach seo é.

Beidh cheithre leibhéal difrúil ar fáil sa gcúrsa seo agus beidh rogha idir oíche Dé Máirt nó oíche Dé Céadaoin. Tosóidh na ranganna ar an 22ú/23ú Eanáir.


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