Renaissance and baroque concert in Athenry

Tonos and the Athenry School of Music Guitar Orchestra to play music from the 16th-18th centuries

ATHENRY WILL play host to a concert of music from the 16th to the 18th century by the vocal/guitar duo Tonos, with special guests the Athenry School of Music Guitar Orchestra.

The concert will feature Irish, French, English, and Spanish music from William Byrd, Aodh MacAingil, the Dublin Lute books, and that most prolific of ancient composers ‘Anonymous’. There will also be Christmas themed music form the period. It takes place in the Athenry Community Centre on Sunday December 2 at 4pm.

Tonos - Ròisìn O’Grady (soprano ) and Eamon Sweeney (Renaissance and Baroque guitars and Renaissance lute ) - specialise in the music from the 1500s to 1700s and are currently on tour to promote their new album WinterSong. The band's name comes from the Spanish word for ‘tone'.

Tickets are available via and at the door. See also and


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