If you have less than three bowel movements a week, it is usually considered constipation. Most people suffer from constipation once in a while, but some people suffer from chronic constipation which can affect their daily life. Usually they feel sluggish, lethargic and sometimes irritable. It can affect appetite and concentration. Some people are afraid to eat or go to the toilet.


1. Passing hard stools

2. Difficulty in having a bowel movement

3. Sometimes a lot of straining is required which in turn can lead to other problems

4. Movement is hardly ever satisfactory

5. In severe cases a person might need manual evacuation

6. Some people are prescribed laxatives or enemas but your doctor should always be consulted before starting any self treatment or therapy.


* Stress

* Dehydration

* Any physical blockage such as an obstruction, narrowing of the bowel or anal fissure

* Cancer

* Spinal cord injury

* Strokes

* Multiple sclerosis

* Parkinson’s

* It is very common in pregnancy

* Hypothyroidism

* Diabetes

* It can run in families

Constipation is more common in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, people who do not drink enough water, people who eat a lot of processed or junk foods, people who suffer from anxiety/depression and take certain medications eg anti-depressants and codeine etc.

If your doctor has identified a cause and ruled out any serious condition associated with your constipation then complementary therapies can play a great role in helping this condition.

In our clinic we use a multi pronged approach to this and many other conditions with evidence based therapies such as Physiological Regulating Medicine (P.R.M ), Gut Health and Microbiome restoration, Nutritional and Nutraceutical therapies, Lifestyle Medicine, Natural Hormonal Balancing, Glandular support, Soft tissue and joint support, Complex Homeopathy, Herbals, and Needle free Medical Acupuncture to achieve excellent results.

DISCLAIMER Always consult your G.P.first for any medical advice and to rule out any serious illness or before starting any new regime or self treatment. The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and are not intended to prevent, diagnose or cure any medical conditions. The publisher of this article or any information provided on this site including text, graphics, images, cannot be held responsible for any errors or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in this article or this site or it's pages. In case of an emergency always contact your Doctor and the emergency services immediately.

We acknowledge the contribution of all authors and researchers.

Holistic Health & Stress Clinic is now at URBAN wellbeing, Tuam Road, Galway, Ireland .

For an appointment please call us on 00353871915051



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