Public meeting on ‘Keep the National Maternity Hospital religion-free’

Event to discuss concerns about ownership of the hospital and ethos under which it is run

Abortion Access Campaign West will host a public meeting, entitled Keep the National Maternity Hospital Religion-Free, on Monday November 26 at 7.30pm in Richardson’s, Eyre Square.

The new Dublin National Maternity Hospital is meant to be built on land owned by the Religious Sisters of Charity. In spite of claims from Minister for Health, Simon Harris, that the NMH will be free of religious influence, AACW is concerned regarding the hospital’s governance.

The meeting will discuss concerns about ownership of the hospital and future actions in order to guarantee it is run under a secular ethos. Speakers will include Sarah Hoover (Abortion Access Campaign West ) and Anne Conway (Campaign Against Church Ownership of Women’s Healthcare, founding member )

Admission is free and all are welcome. For more information see


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