Get a Taste Of France at the Pálás

New films, hit films, and an all time classic

NEW FILMS, hit films, and an out and out cinema classic, all from France, will be shown this weekend at the Pálás, for the Galway Film Society's A Taste Of France event.

A Taste Of France starts at 4pm this Saturday with Faces Places (Visages, Villages ), a documentary where director Agnes Varda and artist JR, travel from town to town in a van repurposed as a gigantic camera, photographing people at home or work, and pasting these images in public spaces.

At 6pm, Memoir of War (La Douleur ), Emmanuel Finkiel’s adaptation of Marguerite Duras’s semi-autobiographical novel, and France's official submission to the 2019 Academy Awards, is screened. It is 1944 in Nazi-occupied France. Marguerite and Robert are active Resistance members. When Robert is deported by the Gestapo, Marguerite tries to discover his whereabouts by entering into a high-risk friendship with the collaborator Rabier.

Fresh from its release in France at the end of October, Sink or Swim (Le Grand Bain ) is a feel-good comedy from director Gilles Lellouche. When long-term unemployed family man Bertrand answers an ad for a male synchronised swimming team, he finds himself with an unlikely bunch of guys, all on the verge of mid-life crisis. See it this Sunday at 4pm.

Then at 6.30pm comes one of cinema's all time classics - Orphée (1950 ) - Jean Cocteau's magical retelling of the Orpheus myth, which turns the lyre-playing singer of Greek legend into a famous and arrogant left-bank poet in postwar Paris, and using some still impressive special effects.

Tickets are available from or 091 - 394800. A ticket for all four films are €25.


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