The Galway City Council will be reviewing the current Galway City Development Plan and preparing a new development plan for the years 2011 to 2017.
As a result, the council will hold a number of public meetings on the review. Such meetings will be today in City Hall, College Road, from 3pm to 8pm and on Wednesday April 8 in the Westwood Hotel from 3pm to 8pm. A weekly drop in clinic will be held every Monday in the planning department of City Hall from 2.30pm to 4pm until April 29.
Submissions or observations regarding the review of the existing city development plan and the preparation of the proposed new plan may be made in writing up to Wednesday April 29 at 4pm to the Senior Planner, Planning Department, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway.
Submissions or observations may also be made by e-mail during the same period to
All submissions should be marked Development Plan Review, state the name of the person making the submission, and where relevant the body represented. All submissions lodged within the above period will be taken into consideration.
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