Red Arrows will ‘terrorise Galway’s bird population’ says GAAW

When the Volvo Ocean Race was launched in Alicante, Spain, there were no flyovers by warplanes, so why should the British air force be invited to Galway?

This is the view of the Galway Alliance Against War which has raised concerns about Let’s Do Galway’s invite to the Royal Air Force’s Red Arrows to perform a flyover of Galway to coincide with the race’s stopover in late May.

The GAAW has pointed out that the “forthcoming stopover of the Volvo Ocean Race was viewed very positively among peace activists” as many among the GAAW ranks “are keen sailors”.

“We don’t want to rock the boat, but we must express our deep disappointment at the unnecessary decision by Let’s Do Galway to invite the Red Arrows,” said a spokesperson for the group. “As we have said many times we oppose the presence of warplanes over our skies for both moral and environmental reasons.”

The GAAW said there is “a certain irony” to the invitation as associated organisations linked to the Volvo Ocean Race include the UN’s Environment Branch, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and BirdLife International, which includes its Irish affiliate, Birdwatch Ireland.

“These warplanes are bad for the environment and will terrorise the entire bird population of Galway,” said the spokesperson. “We do not want to rock the boat but if the Red Arrows’ invitation is not rescinded we will.”


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