People of the Tribes: Meet Bryna

In association with McGettigans

My name is Bryna Milton, a 16-year-old student living in Galway. I live in Clarinbridge, the home of the oyster, and I absolutely love it. Clarinbridge has been my home for 13 years now and my heart swells with pride when I say I’m from there. It’s a 10-minute drive from Oranmore, where my school, Calasanctius College, is based. I’m in Transition Year now and couldn’t be happier. I’m here doing my work experience at the Galway Advertiser which I love. There’s always an interesting project for me to work on and everyone is lovely. I’m ecstatic for the year ahead because I get to take part in many activities that I am very privileged to do, like charity work and Chinese.

I love living in Galway for countless reasons. Being in Galway, whether I’m strolling through shop street or trekking around the country, is a treat because I can taste the fresh air and smell the ocean anywhere I go.

I was born in Long Island, New York where I lived for around 2 years. We go back to the states every few years sporadically to visit our friends and family and I adore it. I hope to move there for some time when I’m in my twenties as I’m a citizen and I hear it’s the land of opportunity! When I’m older, after college, I want to save up and travel the world to see everything there is to see. I hope to volunteer in developing countries and make a difference, no matter how small. My dad travelled all over when he was young and his stories leave me in awe.

As for college, I aspire to enrol at NUIG even though I’m not certain about what I would like to pursue. I love English and Development Studies at school, so maybe something along that line? Even though I would love to travel and move away for some time, I’ll always come back to Galway because it is my home.

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