Tips on how to sell a commercial property

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

So your business is expanding and the current premises are not fit to service the needs of the company and you must move. You have found the perfect location for the next step to be taken on the business ladder but you must sell the old property.

Here at the we provide some tips on how to get a commercial property ready to sell.

1. Spruce up the property

Take a look inside the commercial property. Start with the simple things such as a new lick of paint plus tidying up. No one wants to look at a mess. Next are minor repairs such as repairing floors and cleaning carpets, and then tackle the major problems. Remember potential buyers are always looking to get a property for the cheapest price and if they see that they would have to do repairs on a building, that will aid them in attempting to drive the selling price down.

2. Outside beauty does count

We are always told 'don't judge a book by its cover' but it is something that everyone inevitably does. First impressions are huge and if a buyer takes one look at the front and dislikes what he/she sees, it is going to be very difficult to convince him/her that this is the right place. Clean windows, make sure they are not broken, and give the outside a good power washing.

3. Price

The best way to put a value on your property is by finding comparable properties that are close by. We all want the highest price for our property but if you slap a price tag on your property three times higher than the average do not expect buyers to be queuing up outside, waving cheques.

So there you have it. Some tips on how to sell a commercial property.

If you own a commercial or private property that you would like to sell visit Advertiser Classifieds where you can advertise your property for just €4 per month.


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