Scoil Chroí Íosa pupils imagine a transhuman future

An exhibition of sculptural, collage and audio artworks as part of the Baboró festival

PUPILS FROM third-class in Scoil Chroí Íosa will be displaying their sculptural, collage and audio artworks - created with artist Siobhan McGibbon - in the exhibition, Human Being and Human Becoming.

The exhibition officially opens on Monday October 15 at 6pm in the Galway Arts Centre, Dominick Street. The pupils and the artist have been working to imagine a transhuman future - a world where advances in science have transformed the human body into something quite different from what it is today. The exhibition is part of the Baboró International Arts Festival for Children. It runs until Saturday October 27. Gallery opening hours are 10am to 5.30pm. Admission is free. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


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