
The Rational Regrets of Richie RyanMadden’s Blacksmith Forge, Athenry091 844661 5pm

‘The Rational Regrets of Richie Ryan’ is a site-specific piece of theatre commissioned by Galway County Council. Inspired by old Madden’s Forge in Athenry and the tradition of rural blacksmiths, lucky charms, and travelling entertainers, it charts the life of fictional Blacksmith Richie Ryan. While Richie spends his days meditatively making, breaking and making again by the fire, our storyteller illuminates the always rational yet often regretful decisions that have landed him here - alone amongst the ‘lucky’ horse shoes and broken bellows, forgotten by time itself. New work by Galway based artist James Riordan.

The Urchin’s TaleMeeting at St. Mary’s Church, Athenry then on through the streets to the Athenry Heritage Centre087 207 8842 7pm Gliondar’s Youth Ensemble is proud to present ‘The Urchin’s Tale’, the story of two children on a journey through a dangerous and difficult world swept along and tossed about by historical events. The Youth Ensemble perform this new piece, inspired by the Brothers Grimm, through the town of Athenry. Dress for the weather and bring a torch. Suitable for all ages.

Ted Talks: Life on the Road with Footsbarn TheatreAthenry Heritage Centre 087 2478590 8.30pmTed Turton, artist, photographer and co-founder of the Galway Arts Festival presents stories with images about his adventures travelling the world with the extraordinary Footsbarn Theatre in the 1980s.


“Take a Break”- Espresso Creative Coffee with us!

Ballinasloe Enterprise Centre. Creagh. Ballinasloe

087 2042979

11am - 1pm

Take a break from your work to come and expresso your creative side with us.

Syrian Feast and Meet and Greet

Cube Youth Café, Marina Point, New Road

085 2795322

4 – 6pm

Come along to experience Middle Eastern cuisine and music and get to know newly arrived Syrian families that have resettled in the area. Join Community Spirit Drumming and Wally Nkikita for a singing and drumming workshop. To avoid disappointment, please book your place by contacting Paul. Group 8 Exhibition

Church Gallery, Ballinasloe Library, Society Street


6 – 7.30 pm

Group 8 is hosting an exhibition of their work in the Church Gallery in Ballinasloe. The theme of their work this year is Maps. Una Spain, Lily Kelly and Joyce Little from Group 8 will discuss the inspiration behind their work starting at 6pm. All are welcome. ------


What’s for Pudding?Ballinderreen Community 9 pm until late A one act play by Clarinbridge Drama Group. A boring night in changes suddenly when the doorbell rings, unleashing a hilarious turn of events! This will be followed by ceol, amhránaíocht & damhsa le Ceoltóirí an Doirín. Refreshments also.


Ballygar’s Blast of BohemiaThe Courthouse, Ballygar 087 2141170 7.30 – 9.30 pm Artfarm and Ballygar Tidy Towns celebrate Culture Night in Ballygar with an evening of pop-up art installations, photography, discussions and music in the Court House. Archaeologist and photographer Enda O’Flaherty will share his amazing photographs with a slide presentation and talk on his Disused Schools Project, followed by a music performance.

Quarter Life Crisis, Ballygar Arts and Theatre Space, Town Hall, High St087 7437443 9.30-pm – late Quarter Life crises is a combination of poetry, comedy and theatre. Award-winning performance poet Paul McNamara takes you through his poetry career and his attempts to win the All-Ireland Spoken Word Championship while also balancing life in his mid-twenties. Paul's poetry deals with everything from romance and career options to celebrity crushes and video games. Join Paul as he wins and losses different competitions, taking you through the stories and people he met along the way. A young man’s attempts to navigate post-college life and make sense of the world by becoming - of all things - a poet are both hilarious and touching.

Belclare/Béal Chláir

Oíche Cheoil

Tí Canavan, Béal Chláir, Tuam

085 8212216

7 - 9 pm

An evening of Traditional Irish music and song for both young and old. Our local talent will play with special guests, giving you a flavour of what Béal Chláir has to offer. Fáilte Roimh Chách! All welcome!

Cárna Taispeántas Ealaíne is Ceoil Ionad Cuimhneacháin na nImirceach.095-32688 5.30 - 7i.n Taispeántas ealaíne le Paula Ní Chualáin agus Breandán Ó Súilleabháin, le ceol ó cheoltóirí óga Chomhaltas Charna. Cárna hosts a contemporary art exhibition and what will be a fantastic night of music from the area’s young Comhaltas musicians, hosted in the new Ionad Cuimhneacháin na nImirceach cultural space.

An Cheathrún Rua/Carraroe

Ócáid Clabaireachta is CeoilLeabharlann na Ceathrún Rua091-572177 6 - 8 i.n Filíocht, dreas cainte, amhráin nua-chumtha, ceol. A night of poetry, literature and new songs.


Faerie DancesClaregalway Castle

091 797947

6 – 8pm

Fairies, Pixies, and Goblins – join enchanting fairy folk, the wonderful young dancers of Youth Ballet West in the magical medieval setting of Claregalway Castle.

'Faeries come, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.' -William Butler Yeats


An open evening with Kilcornan Art Group Tea Rooms at Paddy Burkes, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway 0857228141 6 - 8pm The Kilcornan Art group invites you to come and meet the artists from the surrounding community for an open evening of music and art. Enjoy the visual art produced by the group and spend an evening getting to know them and learning about their varied interests through the artwork they have made. It will be a lively evening filled with art, music and light refreshments.


Homespun Entertainment St. Joseph’s Court, Clifden 095 30951 2 – 5pm We will be hosting a demonstration of hand spinning – the art of spinning fleece into wool – and a demonstration of basket making using salty rods, accompanied by a knotting/crotchet workshop.Blankets created by residents for cancer patients in Crumlin Children’s Hospital will also be on display. There will be music and refreshments. Artist’s Public Paint-InThe Square, Clifden


5 – 7 pm

A team of artists led by Margaret Irwin West will work at easels on the Square, Clifden. Two clothed models will sit back-to-back as subjects. Small blank cards and charcoal will be offered to children who wish to join in.

Corr na Móna Cultúr Dhúiche SheoigheachCDS Teo, Corr na Móna: 094-9548031 8 - 9.30i.n. Oíche chultúrtha agus siamsaíochta - rince, filíocht, ceol agus scéalaíocht, le taispeántas speisialta le feiceáil ar an oíche chomh maith! A Joyce Country evening of poetry, music, song and dance.


Moon Phases by Frances HeeryThoor Ballylee, Gort091 631436 5 – 10:30pm Moon Phases is a live sound installation at Thoor Ballylee, conceived by sound artist Francis Heery as a response to W.B. Yeats’ A Vision. Yeats’ enigmatic prose included esoteric knowledge based on the lunar cycle. It was created with his wife George, who channelled the voices of otherworldly spirits, providing the material for Yeats’ mysterious book. Francis Heery will perform a composition inspired by the book through the evening, enhancing the unique atmosphere of the castle with an ethereal mix of electronics, bells and voices. The event will take place in the living room of the castle and visitors are free to walk around the space or sit and listen for as long as they like.

Lady Gregory and Coole ParkCoole Park Visitor Centre091 631804 5 – 8pm Coole Park through the eyes of ‘Me and Nu’, granddaughters of Lady Gregory. Based on the memories of Ann Gregory, this charming exhibition gives an impression of life at Coole in the early 20th century and what it was like to grow up here.

Celebrating Gort’s Unique Multicultural Life

Gort Men’s Shed, Orchard House, Queen St 086 347 23 95 5 – 8pm

Multicultural sharing of food and music aimed at embracing Gort’s unique internationally blended community in a relaxed atmosphere. All are welcome to share their food and music with members of the community. The Gort Men’s Shed welcomes any donations of unused items, to be upcycled back in to the community.

The Woods and Grandma Audio visual room Coole Park Visitor Centre 091 631804 8 – 9pm Part gig, part theatre, part documentary, this verbatim pop-opera exhumes its singing ghosts from the transcript of a 2002 RTÉ interview with Anne (aged 90 ) and Catherine (aged 88 ), who were raised by their grandmother Lady Gregory at Coole Park near Gort, County Galway. The tuneful séance is less of a celebrity sighting and more an automatic drawing spectacle. Booking advised.


Return of the Mic 3Campbell’s Tavern, Cloughanover, Headford

087 6784236

5 - 8 pm

This is Solstice Arts Group’s third open mic celebration of Culture Night and our town’s rich creative and musical culture. Bring a poem, story, song, dance or whatever else you want. Experienced musicians will be on hand to play along!

An Evening of Enjoyable Music

St. Mary’s Church, Headford



A compilation of joyful and uplifting hymns and a selection of traditional and contemporary pieces of choral music hosted by Headford Church Choir to celebrate Culture Night.

Lace by Moonlight

Main Street, Headford

087 6193870

8pm till late

‘Lace by Moonlight’ is a photographic art installation projected onto a Main Street building after dark. The story of Headford Lace, largely forgotten until the establishment of the Headford Lace Project in 2016, comes to life once more in the collective memory of the town almost 300 years after lacemaking was first introduced in the 1740s.


Cuislí CeoilSeanscoil Sailearna 8i.n Ba léir ó theacht le chéile cheoltóirí óga na Crannóige agus an Ghaelacadamh mar chuid de Shean Nós na nÓg i Múscraí in 2017 go raibh nasc speisialta idir an dá ghrúpa. Tá siad ag teacht le chéile arís ar Oíche Chultúir chun céiliúradh ceolmhar nua a dhéanamh ar an gcultúr agus ar an óige. Ná caill iad! Musical sparks flew when the young musicians of Gaoth Dobhair and An Spidéal met last year at Éigse Dhiarmuid Uí Shuilleabháin. Now they’re back together to explore their shared traditions. Don’t miss them

Inis Oírr

Réalta & Neart EileÁras Éanna 099-75150 7.30-11i.n Beidh deis ag an bpobal gach gné d’Áras Éanna a fheiceáil agus páirt a ghlacadh in imeachtaí i gcaitheamh na hoíche - taispeántais, oíche cheoil, filíocht agus scéalaíocht. Beidh an t-ealaíontóir cónaithe ag oscailt a stiúideo agus ar fáil le labhairt leis an bpobal ar a shaothar. Beidh baill den chlub ceamara, rang ealaíon an oileáin agus Comhrá na n-Aosach páirteach agus dóibh siúd ar maith leo a bheith ag féachaint ar na réalta sa spéir, beidh teileascóip curtha ar fáil ag an gclub réaltóireachta! Take a trip to the stars with Áras Éanna and enjoy a myriad of delightful and insightful events at the Arts Centre

Small Halls and Potholes Áras Éanna099-75150 8.30pm Small Halls and Potholes is an evening of eccentric songs and strange stories, a force of nature that lifts the heart and spins it like a tornado! Little John’s shows combine lyrical comic storytelling with original music and songs played on a variety of intriguing instruments, creating magical soundscapes.


Syrian Feast and Meet and Greet Loughrea Family Resource Centre 085 2795322 8.15 - 9.15pm Come along to experience middle eastern cuisine and music and get to know newly arrived -Syrian families who have resettled in Loughrea.

Maigh Cuilinn / Moycullen

Ceolchoirm le banna ceoil Cogar Halla Scoil Mhuire, Kylebroghlan, Maigh Cuilinn086 1016891 7 - 9pm


Joseph Conrad Inspirations

Oranmore Public Library


All day until 5pm

This visually appealing, comic-style exhibition represents the life and work of Joseph Conrad as well as his influence on modern culture – clearly traceable in film adaptations such as 'Victory' and 'Apocalypse Now', films directed by Ridley Scott, songs by Bob Dylan, the recent television series ‘Taboo’, and many others.

Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski is regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language, but not many people know that he was a Polish national. The exhibition celebrates his roots, his life, and his work in an approachable and attractive way.

Undercover - Big questions in books

Oranmore Public Library. Main St


5 - 6pm

Alongside stories and their colourful characters, there can be some captivating questions in the books we read. CURO goes undercover with young readers to find the big questions hiding in storybooks. These questions can help us discover meaning in our everyday lives and develop the ability to work together to think through problems.

Age range: (Ideally 5-8 years )

The Dictatorship of Love

Derelict Buildings Opposite Amorica Restaurant, Main Street

086 8338070

5 - 8 pm

Croatian Artist Tomislav Brajnovic from Rijeka – in collaboration with Oranmore Arts Festival Group – will be installing a series of murals on the windows of the derelict buildings on Oranmore’s Main Street. The murals will be based on the theme that love becomes a dictatorship.

A night with Anna Mullarkey and Donal McConnon

Oranmore Castle

086 8338070

8.30 - 9.30pm

Oranmore Arts Festival hosts an evening of folk and electronics. Anna Mullarkey and Donal McConnon of My Fellow Sponges perform their solo material and a couple of ‘Sponge’ songs in new and interesting ways. Anna brings us a genre-bending, ethereal show with an electronic sound, while Donal performs his eclectic solo show "The Curly Organ" with stories and songs. This is a night not to be missed in the beautiful setting of Oranmore castle.


The King with Horses EarsAughnanure Castle 091 552214 4:30pm – 7:00pm An interactive musical mime show about an Irish king with a big secret, the fates of those who learnt the secret and music that saved many people's lives. In this show you will hear and see an ancient Irish legend coming alive, you will learn how ancient Irish harps were made and played, and you might even get a chance to play a harp yourself!

Culture Night at the Courthouse, Bridge St.

Cultural Coffee 10.30 am - noon Join Oughterard Writer’s Group for a circle of poetry hosted by poet and dramatist Pete Mullineaux. Bring a poem, a story or even a song, or come along and just be in the audience! Tea or coffee for all. Be Abstract2 – 4 pm A drop-in painting workshop. Learn how to paint your own abstract canvas with acrylic paints and allow your inner artist to emerge in a fun atmosphere. There will be lots of support in creating your own masterpiece! Take part in our large communal painting and see your work exhibited on the Courthouse walls. 091 522405

Trad meets Classical Live Concert

7 – 8:45 pm

Join renowned local musicians Pat Hargan, Grace Kiely, Sadhbh Gavin, Gerry Darcy, Denis Geoghegan and Aidan O’Flynn for an exciting concert in Oughterard Courthouse. This event has been created for Culture Night to feature a wonderful mix of musical styles which will appeal to all. 087 1346993


Late Date at the Workhouse

The Irish Workhouse Centre

086 4070851

5 - 7 pm

The Irish Workhouse Centre will be open for free tours and storytelling to explore what evenings were like for inmates and staff back when the institution was in use. Samples of food from the time of the workhouse will also be available throughout the evening


The story of Brigit, from the matriarchal to the patriarchal years Roundhouse, Bridgit’s Garden, Pollagh, Roscahill091-550905 5 – 6pm History has forgotten her-story, but what is her story? Through the wonderful stories of Brigit, we can create a Bridge to help us remember ancient matriarchal years and better understand the patriarchal years by looking at where our traditions have come from and how to find a balance in the present. By connecting words, traditions, Counties, and crafts we can understand how Brigit still links us to our own culture as well as others. We will make a traditional Brigit’s cross from Connemara using willow and rushes and finish the evening with a song.

The Little Prince Hazelroom, Brigit’s Garden, Roscahill 091-550905 6.30 - 7.15pm Morgan Creative presents a dramatic re-imagining of Antoine Saint Exupery's "The Little Prince", translated and adapted by Oisín Robbins. This contemporary performance uses different art forms – such as music and audio-visual work – to bring the magical story to life. ‘The Little Prince’ is a fantastical adventure about imagination and growing up. Antoine, the narrator of the tale, is spending a few days repairing his airplane engine in the desert when he is visited by a boy that comes from space. The Little Prince recounts his experiences hopping from planet to planet, and in doing so, makes some startling revelations on adulthood, and what it means to live in this crazy, wonderful world of ours. The production is family friendly and is most suitable for 7-12 year olds.

An Spidéal

Líne ÉadaighCeardlann an Spidéil087-0670897 7 - 9i.n Taispeántas ealaíne de chuid ealaíontóirí Cheardlann an Spidéil ag ceiliúradh an tséasúir atá thart agus amach rompu. A reflective and forward-looking 2018 exhibition from Craft Centre artists and other guest artists.

Seal le Pastime ChonamaraCrúiscín Lán, An Spidéal0876998369 8 - 11 I.n. Taispeántais éagsúla ó Pastime Chonamara agus roinnt cainte Le Joe Hernon, Liam Maguire, John McNair, Tom Solan, Pádraic Ó Gríofa agus aíonna eile, á laithriú ag Máirtin Davy


Creative Writing Workshop Tuam Library, High St 093 24287 4 – 5pm Join Patricia King Callaghan in Tuam library for a creative writing workshop. Aimed at children aged 8+ years, this workshop will be sure to get the creative juices flowing. Limited spaces available - to avoid disappointment please book in advance.

Shining Lights of North County GalwayThe Mall Theatre, Stable Lane, Corralea West, Tuam087 6679643 Time: 8 pm Culture Night Tuam - in association with Tuam’s Mall Theatre - will host an intimate performance by an array of talented artists for one night only. This all-star line-up of music, song, chat and dance will feature many special guests including Leo Moran, Padraig Stevens, Jojo Hynes, Martin Beanz Ward and a special dance performance from local Syrian performers. The evening will be a wonderful celebration of Tuam and its uniquely multi-cultural neighbourhood.


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