Engage Arts Studio Culture Night exhibition and fundraiser

Inside the Box on Friday September 21 and Saturday 22

ENGAGE ART Studios will present Inside the Box, an exhibition for Culture Night, which opens tomorrow at 6pm in the Cathedral Building, Middle Street.

For this exhibition, Engage members Red Burke, Maeve Curtis, Simon Daly, Marias Diez, Brenda Flannery, Brenda Flannery, Nicola Gunwhy, Noelle Gallagher, Seamus Keane, Paul Maye, Stephanie McLaughlin, Elena Moreno, Hilary Morley, Angela O'Brien, Ilaria Pellizzaro, Jane Queally, Vicky Smith, and Ruby Wallis, were given an identical box frame and asked to create a work of art within its confines. Each piece will be priced at €145 with the proceeds of the sale going to Engage's artistic programme.

The exhibition will also be open this Saturday from 12 noon to 6pm.


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