If you want to stop feeling tired, sluggish, and unhappy about the way you look, join Me2UFitness

Joining a gym can be daunting, but the team at Me2UFitness make it easy for you with appointment based training sessions, a personal trainer by your side to guide you, and easy to follow food plans.

Remember that getting fit is about more than weight — it is about strength, endurance, and good health too. You want to have energy and feel good, and getting into shape will help you do that. Follow these simple steps and start feeling good about yourself again.

1. Set a goal… beyond weight

Don’t hang all your expectations and motivations on a number on the scale. With weight loss, plateaus are common. If you set yourself a goal beyond the immediate, you are likely to maintain your motivation. The endurance and strength you gain from exercise will help you achieve these goals, no matter what the scale says.

2. Strength training is important

Lean muscle burns fat. When you lift weights, your body can burn for anything up to 36 hours after training. As little as 20/30 minutes of weight training will help you achieve this, along with strength and endurance.

3. Keep a food diary

It can educate, guide, and inspire — and it will be the first thing a nutritionist, personal trainer, or dietitian asks you to do. A food diary can reveal all sorts of patterns in your eating habits, of which you are probably unaware. Keep a log of everything you eat for at least seven days, and any symptoms (tired, energised, bloated, etc ). It is also useful to write down how you feel before eating. Were you stressed, had a craving, were you tired or bored or lonely? This could reveal patterns surrounding the choices you are making about what you eat.

Me2UFitness has a great one month personal training programme for €99 (was €180 ), to help you get started. Call 091 781230 or 085 1112570, visit www.me2ufitness.com, or e-mail me2youfitnessgalway@gmail.com .


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