Trading Faces Stage School

Five benefits of performing arts for students

Taking part in a Trading Faces workshop can help boost your child’s confidence in a safe and fun environment. Claire Power, artistic director with Trading Faces, who has been a drama teacher for more than 19 years, outlines the benefits in personal development for your child.

1. Build self confidence: Trading Faces takes students out of their comfort zone in a safe and fun environment. Taking part in classes builds confidence as students are taught how to express their thoughts in a creative way, culminating in the Town Hall Theatre with seniors performing Legally Blonde and juniors performing The Sound of Music. The confidence to stand up in front of an audience will stay with them throughout their lives.

2. Improves communication skills: From conversing with their peers and coaches to getting their thoughts heard, to projecting their voice onstage or directing fellow students from behind the camera, one of the main benefits of Trading Faces is to improve communication skills.

3. Teamwork: The teamwork involved in Trading Faces in unlike that of any other activity. From taking musical theatre exams, to recording numbers in a studio, students learn to work with their peers for a common goal of creating a great performance.

4. CAO performance points: NUI Galway is now offering special performance points for students who show artistic promise and achievement in drama and theatre, film, and music. Successful applicants will gain a bonus of 40 points. Trading Faces strives to help achieve those points.

5. A fun workout: It is physical, from learning dance steps and singing, to performing on stage.

Check out for booking information or call Claire on 085 101 77 66.


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