Hear stories from the Westside Writer's Group

Do you have a story you want to share?

GALWAY'S 'WRITE On' Westside Writers Group will host an evening of literary entertainment in the Westside Library this month, with members reading extracts from their short stories, poems, flash fiction, and memoirs.

The event takes place on Friday September 21 from 6pm to 8pm as part of Culture Night. There will be an open mic following the event. The group will also publish its Write On Anthology 2019, featuring work by Geraldine Warren, Mary Tobin, Elizabeth Hannon, Frank Fahy, and Niall Dempsey. A theme of wanderlust runs through the stories, with settings ranging from Galway to the Middle East, and tales of murder on the beach, a Victorian orphanage, and a Galway journalist’s roadside account of Princess Diana’s final hours in Paris.

There is reserved space in the anthology for local people to submit unpublished work. The deadline for manuscript submissions is Friday September 14. Submissions must be emailed to frank.fahy0@gmail.com.


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