ConTempo's European lunchtime concerts

New series to explore music from the EU's 27 member states

BREXIT HAS made Britain very unpopular. The EU's adherence to neo-liberal centrism has seen its reputation take a battering. The populist right is on the rise. Best take a break from our continent's awful politics, and concentrate on what it does best - culture.

With this in mind, the ConTempo Quartet will present a new series of lunchtime concerts, From Europe With Love, highlighting great music from the 27 countries of the EU. It takes place in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church on the first Tuesday of each month, from September 2018 to June 2019 (except January ) at 1.10pm.

The first phase will see nine concerts featuring music and composers from France, The Netherlands, Malta, Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia, Portugal, Latvia, and Denmark. Speakers from the member countries, embassies, and local communities will introduce each concert.

The opening concert is on Tuesday September 4 where ConTempo will perform Claude Debussy’s Op 10 in Gm, premiered to a bewildered public in 1893, but now considered one of his best works. Admission is free but early arrival is recommended. See


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