Meeting to discuss community centre project in Newcastle

A meeting to discuss the options of developing a community centre in Newcastle will be held in the area on Tuesday week, August 28.

The Newcastle Combined Community Association set up a company called NCCA Ltd some years ago to advance the development of a Community Centre in the Newcastle area following a suitable site being provided by Galway City Council adjacent to the Croí building in Moyola Lane, Newcastle.

They set about raising funds to build the centre and were successful in raising substantial funds and obtaining planning permission. While great progress was made, interest in the project lapsed and a number of options regarding the future of the centre and its site are now up for discussion.

Newcastle Combined Community Association are now holding a public meeting for the people of Newcastle to discuss the development of the NCCA site and are inviting the community to attend so important decisions, with the consent of the community, may be made.

The meeting will take place in the Crói House, Moyola Lane, Newcastle on Tuesday 28th August 2018 at 8.00 pm sharp. All are welcome


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