FRS Training Ltd – providing qualifications in healthcare

Helping to prepare learners for a career in healthcare has been hugely rewarding for FRS. Graduates of the company’s QQI Level 5 major award in healthcare have gone on to work in hospitals, in residential care, childcare, and in communities around the country.

The purpose of the award is to enable the learner to acquire the knowledge, skill, and competence to work under supervision in providing support in a variety of healthcare settings and or to progress to further and or higher education and training. FRS Training is a validated training organisation with PHECC in the provision of emergency healthcare. This includes the first aid responder (FAR ) and cardiac first responder (CFR ) including the use of automated external defibrillators (AED ).

The QQI Healthcare Support Major Award is designed to give those wishing to work in the healthcare system a thorough grounding in the necessary skills. The course is relevant and highly practical, with each module focusing on a specific area of care. FRS Training provides modules such as care skills, care support, communications, health and safety, palliative care, care of the older person, work experience, and infection prevention and control.

To achieve the Healthcare Support Major Award (QQI Level 5 ) with FRS Training contact the company on 091 384444 or see


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