My Fellow Sponges man to sing in Salthill Park

Shows to take place in the Salthill Bandstand - 'one of Galway’s most under-appreciated acoustic amenities'

THE CURLY Organ - solo project of My Fellow sponges’ Donal McConnon - will endeavour to sustain the attention of onlookers in Salthill Park this summer, using only his voice.

Every Wednesday from July 11 to August 1, Donal wail perform semi-improvised, a cappella, songs in the Salthill Bandstand. “It’s one of Galway’s most under-appreciated acoustic amenities,” he says. “Each concert promises to be unique and intimate as I explore extended vocal techniques, lyrical improvisations, and audience participation.”

Concerts start at 7pm. Admission is free, but contributions (monetary/choral ) are appreciated.


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