Say no to hay fever

The hay fever season arrived with a vengeance this summer. Many people in Ireland suffer from hay fever without knowing it. People often think that they have a cold which will not go away, but in actual fact they have hay fever. Common questions asked at Evergreen are: “What is hay fever?” “What causes it?” and “What is the difference between hay fever and a viral infection like a cold or flu?”

T he following can increase your risk of hay fever

Having other allergies or asthma.

Being an only child.

Growing up in a city.

Having atopic dermatitis.

Having a blood relative (such as a parent or sibling ) with allergies or asthma.

Living or working in an environment that constantly exposes you to a wide variety of plants.

H ay fever symptoms

Hay fever symptoms will start immediately after exposure to pollen or spores. Symptoms will continue for as long as you are exposed to the allergen.

Runny or blocked nose.

Watery, itchy, or red eyes.



Tips to beat hay fever

Pinpoint your allergy: This may take some detective work, but it is really worth pinpointing your triggers. The first step in controlling your hay fever is to identify what is causing your symptoms. Is it tree or grass pollen in the spring, or ragweed in the autumn which is triggering your symptoms? If you are not sure, try an allergy test.

Check the pollen count: There is now a nationwide network of monitors that collect data on the daily pollen count. The pollen count provides really important information for people who are affected by hay fever. You can view up to date counts on Met Éireann’s website, Met Éireann’s pollen counts are reported as low, moderate, high, or very high.

Allergy-proof your home: Try to keep windows closed when pollen counts are high. Remove any household plants which may be triggering your symptoms. Remove some or all rugs and unnecessary furnishings such as throws and pillows. Wash clothing often and dry your laundry indoors. Keep pets out of the bedroom and wipe them if they have been outside.

Natural hay fever remedy

A.Vogel Pollinosan is a homeopathic remedy used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever. Pollinosan comes from the luffa plant. It acts like a sponge, absorbing excess pollen before it reaches the bloodstream. The trick with this remedy is to take it for an extended period of time so it can build up a natural barrier. This remedy can help to relieve symptoms of hay fever such as sneezing, blocked or runny nose, burning eyes, and an itchy throat. It is also suitable to use alongside conventional hay fever medication.

Do not let hay fever get you down this summer, call into your local Evergreen Healthfoods store and talk to the experts.


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