Learn more about creative parenting the Steiner way

Parents and people interested in holistic parenting and Steiner/Waldorf education are invited to attend a workshop on Sunday at Ard Bia at Nimmo’s beside the Spanish Arch from 10am to 4pm.

The event, facilitated by Grace Burton, a founder member of a Steiner Kindergarten in Sligo, is entitled “Creative Parenting for Children under seven years”. While the emphasis is on child development it will also include an introduction to wool felting.

Admission is €50 and €25 for Irish Steiner Kindergarden Initiative members. People can become a member of ISKA on booking and the associate membership fee is €15.

The workshop will be followed by a public meeting at which the organisers hope a committee can be elected and the establishment of a Steiner kindergarten school in Galway will take its first formal steps. All are welcome to attend.

The Galway Steiner Kindergarten Initiative began in September 2008 with the idea of bringing together parents who were interested in a holistic education for their children. The group, consisting of 10 children aged from one to six years, meets on Wednesday and Friday mornings (10.30am to12.30 pm ) above Ard Bia restaurant at the Spanish Arch.

It is like a parent toddler group and its activities range from arts and crafts to bread making and singing songs. On Thursday mornings the group meets for song and story telling at Galway City Library (The Children’s Library ) from 10am to 12 noon. These activities are performed in a fun and inclusive way to simulate the child’s imagination. All are welcome.

A spokesperson says Steiner pre-school education acknowledges that the child comes to know the world and others through physical activity, and above all through imitation, emulation and play.

“It offers the child a holistic education that provides him/her with the necessary tools for truly powerful, creative and self confident thinking in later life.

“The group now seeks to take the project to the next level with the aid of ISKA and interested parties within the community. Currently the Galway Steiner Kindergarten Initiative is looking for a suitable premises (with a garden ) but, first and foremost, is looking to the local community for support.”

To book a place at the workshop contact Gabrielle at (086 ) 1514492. For further information on the group and its activities contact Anne Ryan at (087 ) 6343585 or email [email protected] To find out more about Steiner early years education telephone (061 ) 927944 or email [email protected]


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