Follow Emma's path at Slimming World

Emma joined Slimming World 18 months ago, within that time she has transformed her life, her relationship with food, gained a support network and has lost over two and a half stone.

Emma’s struggles with weight began six years ago after surgery led to a Chronic Pain condition. Emma’s health deteriorated following the diagnosis and when she decided to start Slimming World, she spent many of her days using a cane to walk. She was in constant pain and struggled with any physical activity. Now Emma is on a path to a healthier, happier and pain-free self, taking back control of her eating habits. “The Food Optimising plan encourages you to eat lots of tasty, filling foods! I can still enjoy my personal favourite Chicken Goujons and chips”.

The support you get at Slimming World is amazing. “I know I couldn’t have lost weight consistently without the weekly support, encouragement and understanding of my own Consultant and group. For years, my relationship with food had been negative, but now my mindset in relation to food has changed for the better. My overall well-being has improved immensely and I couldn’t be happier”.

Emma is now also enjoying some physical activity again. She has recently completed a 51km Charity cycle! “My cane is gathering dust in a cupboard! Slimming World has given me more than I could have imagined. It gave me my life back and it has given me the chance of the future I have always wanted!”

As a member, the confidence and happiness Emma has gained in her journey so far is undeniable. Now as a Consultant, using her personal experience, Emma hopes to create a warm, friendly group to give her members the supportive atmosphere to encourage them to share their journeys, experiences, advice and ideas.

Emma’s groups are held in Barna School Hall, Scoil Shéamais Naofa on Mondays at 7.30pm and Saturdays at 9.30am and 11.30am.

For more information, call Emma on 0852544220.


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