As the current school year draws to a close, the Mercy Primary School is already looking forward to the historic announcement that its primary school can now offer the continuation of primary education to boys after First Class from September 2018 onwards.
Rena Jordan, Principal of the Mercy (and past pupil ) commenting on this announcement said that up to now, the Mercy has catered for boys and girls up to 1st class after which boys have left to join other primary schools and the Mercy have just retained its girls through to 6th class.
“Following on from the celebration of our 175 years at the heart of education in Galway City in 2017, we are excited by this recent announcement and the opportunity to further develop our school for both boys and girls through to 6th class,” she said.
Take a closer look beyond the historical walls of the Mercy and you see a vibrant 21st century primary school that develops the potential of every child and provides a one-stop-shop for parents from pre-school, primary school, after-school and holiday childcare.
The amount of activities taking place in the school is breathtaking and includes a number of programmes including The Green School Project, The Active Flag, Junior Entrepreneurs Programme, Discover Primary Maths and Science and this year, the school also introduced sensory workshops and art workshops for parents and pupils to attend together.
When it comes to sports and physical development, the Mercy is one of the city centre’s most active schools. Rena explains: “This year we have a coach from Liam Mellows Hurling club coaching our pupils from Junior Infants to 6th class along with a staff member who trains our Gaelic Football team and a coach from the Football Association of Ireland (FAI ) helping us improve our soccer skills.
“While we take part in competitions like Cumann na mBunscol and City Sports, the fun and enjoyment for the boys, girls and teachers has been fantastic to see,” she concluded.
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