Hi, my is David Walsh. I'm from Limerick originally and as much as I love my city, I have made friends here and settled in beautiful Galway two years ago. I have fond memories of Galway as a kid and knew in my heart I would live here someday. It's full of culture and art and it supports entertainers, one of the many reasons why I chose Galway. I have been practising magic since 1993 and my passion is stronger than ever for the craft that has given me so much, I'm now 38 and I'm still a student of magic. I perform on the street with a table but sometimes without to give me more freedom to approach people David Blaine style. The street is the purest arena to perform in, it's raw, challenging and very honest as your not hired to be there. You must showcase your skills and let them decide who to glorify. Tipping the hat or liking my facebook page, it's all accepted with a smile. I get on all well with the other buskers and feel since race week last year I have definitely made a name for myself on shop street. Magic is a performance art and it's something I'm passionate about and to have the opportunity to make someone's day for me that's a gift that simply has to be shared. Magic has huge popularity in the last few years from TV specials to Britain's Got Talent and behind. Magic is in everyone's hearts and I'm just pulling the strings sometimes. My legacy is simply that I strived to be the best magician I could and my audience enjoyed the experience. I will always be a street performer and I will have love for Galway City.
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