Osteoporosis Clinic Ireland is a multidisciplinary clinic, providing a unique triple therapy approach, that has been developed to assist people with or predisposed to bone health issues. Osteoporosis is a silent disease affecting one in two women and one in four men over the age of 50 in Ireland, although all age groups can be affected.
Osteoporosis is preventable and treatable at all stages. Therefore it is important to address your bone health, especially if it is hereditary. There are usually no warning signs an individual has developed osteoporosis and it is often only diagnosed when a bone is fractured.
How Osteoporosis Clinic Ireland can help
Osteoporosis has been called “the silent disease” because bone loss occurs initially without symptoms. Many conditions can be associated with the development of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis Clinic Ireland can help to improve your bone health. The clinic's expert staff will provide specific nutrition advice based on symptoms, weight-bearing exercises to target the improvement of bone density, and bone density scanning to determine osteoporosis risk index.
In addition, supplements will be given, based on the client's needs, and testing is available to identify individual requirements. The DEXA scan will be explained. The clinic also offers preventative measures for those predisposed to osteoporosis.
During consultation, registered general nurse Karen Byrne will review and explain the DEXA scan, and provide an ultrasound bone density scan to monitor progress on an ongoing basis.
Nutritional therapist Susan Boland will assess, and develop a personalised nutrition plan to meet each client's specific bone health needs.
Chartered physiotherapist Maria Murphy will assess the client and outline specific exercises to improve bone density, balance, and posture, designed to fit in with lifestyle and individual requirements.
The team uses the most up to date research in the development of programmes, and looks forward to engaging with clients on their journey to improving bone health.
Follow up consultations are available to you at three to six-monthly intervals in each location countrywide.
The next clinic takes place on Tuesday, May 29, in the Menlo Park Hotel, Galway. For more information, contact Susan on (086 ) 8580500, Karen on (087 ) 2360877, email info@osteoporosisclinicireland.com, or see www.osteoporosisclinicireland.com