Musical treat to raise funds for Tomorrow for Tomás

A concert later this month will raise much-needed funds for Tomorrow for Tomás, a charity set up to assist Tomás, a bright chatty boy originally from Renmore and now living in Corofin, who has faced some major challenges in his first seven years.

Galway Choral Association, conducted by Dr Darina McCarthy, will present a range of choral favourites and folk-songs including Fauré’s Madrigal, accompanied by Dympna O’Byrne. Also performing are organist Ramin Haghjoo with violinist Gergely Kuklis, and the city’s premier male voice a cappella group, the Galway Baytones.

“We are delighted to be able to support Tomorrow for Tomás with this performance” says Carol Duffy, Chairperson of Galway Choral Association. “Tomás, is a great-nephew of one of our singers, and our hearts were touched when we heard his story.

Born at 26 weeks he and his twin arrived unexpectedly into the world. Sadly his brother Seán passed away after 30 days, and Tomás has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Although bright and chatty he has no independent movement and will need life-long support and very costly equipment. Tomorrow for Tomás ( ) was started by his parents, Ann-Marie and Shane, to assist with this, and we were keen to use our summer concert to support this family who have contributed so much to Galway’s musical community.”

“I’ve had a fantastic time preparing for this concert” says Darina McCarthy, who has worked with the choir this term. “Although quite different from my usual repertoire of plainchant, Renaissance and Baroque counterpoint, the four-part settings of popular music are challenging to sing, while still being accessible to a wide audience. It’s been great fun teaching some of the more technical singing skills to a community based choir.”

The concert is being held at 8pm on Saturday May 19 in the Augustinian Church in Middle St. Tickets are €12 / €10 and are available from Opus II in High St (091 500 300 ), Duggan’s Pharmacy in Renmore, choir members or at the door.

Further information is available from or Facebook


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