Expanding Irish medtech solutions company opens in Galway

i360medical, a leading Irish based international healthcare solutions and medical device company, has announced the opening of a new Galway office, based in the Innovation Hubs (iHubs ) at Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT ).

This is in addition to the existing offices in Dublin (HQ ) and New York. i360medical drives collaboration across; clinicians, engineers, health systems, multinational companies, SMEs, and universities working internationally as a dynamic conduit for new concept ideas and verified unmet surgical and clinical needs.

Commenting on the announcement, Derek Young, CEO i360medical said they are delighted to be opening their latest office in Galway.

“Being at the centre of this dynamic medical device cluster and close to a broad network of contract manufacturers and specialist support services is a key benefit for the development and commercialisation of innovative medical device solutions for both our Irish and international health system innovation partners.”

George McCourt, Head of the GMIT Innovation Hubs, says “We welcome i360medical to the GMIT iHubs and look forward to working with Derek and the team with our new iHub extension MedTech incubation units, supported by Enterprise Ireland, and in maximising R & D capabilities with the onsite Medical & Engineering Technologies Centre (MET Centre ). This is a very strategic collaboration with i360medical to nuture and support new ideas for unmet clinical needs.”

i360medical’s intentions for its Irish programme is to further develop an innovation environment that is easily available to all of Ireland’s healthcare professionals and extensive medtech community.

“The GMIT iHub has also embraced the principles of open innovation by nurturing an enabling environment and a collaborative space where a growing community of technologyentrepreneurs can explore and share ideas.

“There is an expanding community of medical technology innovators and start-ups located in the region and this will enable i360medical to work with other companies in the sector and continue to push the boundaries in medical device technology”, concluded Mr Young.

The new Galway office will link in with i360medical’s national and international health system innovation partners in Dublin, Boston, New York, Miami, Orlando, Munich, Berlin, Auckland, Sydney


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