Transform how you look, feel, and function

Are you interested in getting in shape, but you have a back problem or another joint issue such as hip pain or knee trouble? Have you tried jogging or going to the gym, but you find that it simply makes the problem area worse?

Clare Rooney has been working with people just like you for the past 15 years and has 30 years' experience as a movement educator. She uses biomechanical assessment to find out exactly what is driving the dysfunctions of your body. She then designs corrective stretch and strengthening programmes to target your body’s unique needs.

You can be guided through these programmes one to one in Clare Rooney’s Pilates and weight training studio in Oranmore (personal training ). Alternatively you can have a tailored programme designed for you to use at home or in your own gym.

These programmes include access to a video created especially for your programme so her expert tuition is just a click away.

Clare Rooney has studied with world experts in the fields of Pilates (Dr Brent Anderson, PhD physiotherapy ), corrective exercise (Paul Chek, Dr Stuart McGill ), and weight training (Charles Poliquin, top Olympic strength coach ) to offer one of the safest, most effective, approaches to getting in shape and returning to full, pain free, functionality.

You can find out more about Clare Rooney and her work as a corrective exercise specialist at, or call 087 6858656 to organise a consultation to discuss your specific needs.


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