Although modern medicine has made tremendous advances in surgical procedures and in the treatment of acute illness, for centuries holistic medicine has been – and remains – the mainstay of care for our health. It respects the person as a whole – the body, mind, soul, and emotions.
Humans, for millennia accustomed to living in close contact with nature, have been cast into an environment bristling with synthetic chemicals, polluted air, food poison, and stress in the last century — a tiny fraction of the time our species has been in existence. Understandably, all this disproportionately affects the immune system, accumulates toxic substances in the body, and the human organism is therefore easily susceptible to all manner of diseases.
Chemical drugs, which are on the rise, eliminate only the symptoms of disease, but do not fix the root of the problem. Naturally, this is to our detriment. Thankfully, today, we are starting to heed alternative methods of treatment, based on purely natural substances that detoxify and regenerate the body and return energy and vitality to us.
Health is not to be taken for granted — we must take care of it. Scientists are increasingly addressing natural sources of medicines and alternative treatments that enhance the body’s ability to self-heal without the use of chemicals. They are pondering the methods of old civilisations, whose treatments used not only natural drugs, but also (for example ) took into account the alignment of the planets and the use of the healing energy of the universe. After all, even synthetically produced drugs ultimately hail from nature. We are sure to arrive at interesting conclusions if we think about ourselves.
Although it is natural for us to keep our homes and workplaces clean and to take good care of our cars, we often neglect our bodies. At a certain stage of our life, we indulge in our love of life, we eat, drink, celebrate and travel too much, and we take unbridled enjoyment in all the pleasures that the world has to offer.
Over time, however, we find that not every diet is good for us, lack of movement results in pain, and lack of routine paves the way to disease. It is only then that, hopefully, we become more interested in healthy living and everything related to it. People, sadly, are chancers who are loath to give up their pleasures, failing to realise in time that the key to a long and healthy life is prevention.
Health can be consolidated through nutrition, sport, relaxation, medicinal plants, and dietary supplements. Although these methods do not replace preventative medical examinations, they can be an important complement, enabling us to go through all of the stages of life healthy, happy, and full of energy.
If we take into account the natural needs of our own body, we can certainly achieve success in this respect. Though health is a basic prerequisite for satisfaction and success in our work, family and social lives, we should not take it for granted.
Contact Patrick Murphy, The Skin Herbalist, on 093 27033 or email