Simple hearing solutions from Blackberry Hearing

In 2015 John Ryan and Dave Gleeson established Blackberry Hearing in Two Mile House, a small village outside Naas in Kildare. The two were curious about the high cost of hearing aids and hearing solutions.

They were also curious why, despite amazing and advancing hearing aid technology, many people had less than positive views about hearing aids. Despite what appeared to be the obvious advantages to wearing modern hearing aids for those with hearing loss, many were reluctant to try them out.

Ryan and Gleeson, who have both enjoyed long and diverse business careers, started to research why this was so. After all, anyone who had a problem with their eyesight bought glasses or had laser surgery. Their research into this question led them to establishing Blackberry Hearing, and they focused on building the company without borrowing any practices from the existing industry for the following reasons. Customers found hearing aids to be expensive, indicative of ageing, and thought that hearing aids might not be as successful as they would like them to be.

Dave Gleeson and John Ryan also found that:

Prices were shockingly high.

People were unaware of what they were buying and how much it might cost.

There was a general lack of clarity on pricing, models, and grant eligibility.

People were unaware of how discreet and effective modern hearing aids had become.

Most people did not realise the life changing impact socially of correcting hearing loss.

In response Blackberry Hearing set out to provide hearing aids on the following basis:

Quality: World leading brand and models.

Prices: Significantly reduced prices.

Transparency: Informing prospective customers of their options beforehand.

Simplicity: Making the process of testing and purchasing as simple as possible.

Professionalism: Only employing the best audiologists (BSc minimum, four years ).

Customer care: A company ethos where no stone is left unturned to provide the best possible solution and follow up care.

Three years later, and now with thousands of customers, Blackberry Hearing continues to grow. The company is growing because it delivers on its promise — life changing technology, at great prices, to assist people to hear fully, to participate in everyday life with their children, grandchildren, play music in a band, attend church, or socialise in the local pub.

How does Blackberry Hearing know if it has achieved its objectives? By listening to the company’s customers. Hundreds of validated customer testimonials are left on Facebook alone. Most of these validated testimonials can be viewed at

The company now holds nearly 70 clinics from Letterkenny to Waterford, from Galway to Dublin, and everywhere in between, including the Corrib Shopping Centre, Galway, Gort, Loughrea, Oranmore, Spiddal, and Tuam.

If you or a loved one are affected by hearing loss call Blackberry Hearing on 01 6978470 for a chat, to find out about price and the grant, or to book a free consultation at a clinic near you. There is no reason to be left out of life’s conversations and sounds any more.


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