The morning after the marriage-equality vote

A tale of weddings, ‘coming out’, and arguments over who puts out the bins

SUNDAY MORNING, May 24 2015, 62 per cent of voters in the State have voted Yes to marriage equality, and hungover Ann gets a text from her brother: “How’s the morning after the life before?"

Gúna Nua presents The Morning After The Life Before, from Friday May 4 to Monday 7 at 9.30pm in the Nuns Island Theatre, as part of the 2018 Galway Theatre Festival. Written by Ann Blake (The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra ), directed by Paul Meade, and performed by Ann Blake and Lucia Smyth, The Morning After The Life Before is a light-hearted, personal, and entertaining tale of weddings, ‘coming out’, and arguments over who puts out the bins.

The play has enjoyed critical acclaim and won the ‘Best of Fringe’ awards from the 2017 London, Ontario, and Montreal fringe festivals. “Blake and Smyth’s timing is incredible...uproariously quick wit," said Theatre In London; "a sumptuous feast of theatrical joy and inventiveness," declared the Montreal Gazette; "an inspirational emotional rollercoaster on the quest for absolute cannot-miss," said the Montreal Theatre Hub.

For bookings contact the Town Hall Theatre (091 - 569777, ) or see


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