Avaya go Plogging!

So what is Plogging you say? It’s the latest fitness trend taking the world by storm! The concept originated in Sweden, instead of jogging past litter, you take a bag with you and pick it up! Not only does this benefit the environment, but you’re also incorporating squats and lunges into your jog without even realizing. Who would say no to more burned calories?

Avaya, a Galway based technology company, are encouraging their staff to take an hour out of their work schedules this Friday for World Earth Day to engage in some Plogging. The route will start from Mervue Business Park to Ballyloughane Strand, with a focus on cleaning up the beach.

Whether you’re walking or running, we’d love to see you join in wherever you are. The next time you leave the house, follow Avaya’s lead! Bring a bag, and let’s clean up our communities.

Share your plogging experience with us! #GalwayPlogging


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