Clarin College annual colour run to raise funds for JIGSAW

The annual colour run is returning to Clarin College Athenry, with this year’s event expected to be bigger and better than ever.

This year’s chosen charity is Jigsaw, with all proceeds from the event going to the charity, the mental health charity for young people, which was unanimously chosen by the student council as the beneficiary of this year’s event.

Last year’s colour run raised an impressive €4,300 for Pieta House and the students hope to raise a similar sum for Jigsaw.

“We decided to choose Jigsaw this year as many of us students knew those who had gained from the excellent services that our local Jigsaw provides,” said Sarah Harte, chairperson of Clarin College student council. “It was clear that students understood and valued the work Jigsaw do in Galway.

“As a student council, we felt it was important to fundraise for a charity that students can benefit from. Raising money for Jigsaw also gives us the opportunity to highlight, within our school, the importance of the work that Jigsaw does. Thankfully, more than ever before, we are having open discussions about our mental health and how to look after it. We are showing other students that not only is it OK to talk about your mental health, there is a place you can go if you need help.

“Secondary school can be a tough time for many with peer pressure, exam stress, and everything in between,” Ms Harte added. “You’re beginning to become more of your own person, learning about the world and yourself, while at the same time trying to fit in. For those who find it difficult to cope with what life throws at them, Jigsaw offers a completely non-judgmental service.”

This year’s colour run will take place on Sunday April 29 with registration in the school gym from 12 noon on the day. Entry is €10 and children under 12 go free. People of all ages are welcome to walk, jog, or run the 5k. Get involved and have a great day while supporting an important charity.


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