Search Results for 'Tai chi chuan'
12 results found.
Learn about the benefits of Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a centuries-old Chinese practice designed to exercise the mind and body. It is rooted in Chinese meditation, medicine, and martial arts, and combines mental concentration with slow, controlled movements to focus the mind, challenge the body, and improve the flow of what the Chinese call ‘qi’ - the life energy thought to sustain health and calm the mind.
Chinese State Circus to defy gravity in Yin Yang

THE FAMOUS Chinese philosophical symbol Yin Yang describes how seemingly opposite forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world.
Chen-style tai chi classes in Castlebar
Chen-style tai chi, which is the oldest form of tai chi and the source of all other major styles, is one of the most popular forms of tai chi in the world today.
Move into harmony in 2012 with Chen-style tai chi
For centuries the art of Chen-style tai chi was a very closely-guarded secret of just a small number of families in China. Almost exclusively, parents and teachers alike passed this secret knowledge on to their children. Only in the last century has Chen style tai chi been taught and practised more widely. Tai chi or taijiquan has found its way into major spas, fitness studios, sports training, and performing-arts schools, as well as in community centres all over the world. It has evolved through the ages as a highly refined system of exercise and personal development combined for the body and the mind.
Chi-gong workshops for Western Care Association
Arend Wijmenga, a fourth dan grade tai chi instructor, is conducting two two-hour Chi-gong workshops in aid of Western Care in the Ruby Room, Royal Theatre, Castlebar, tomorrow (Saturday) from 10.30am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 3.30pm. Chi-gong seeks to heal the body by balancing the energy-flow within, strengthen what is deficient, and reduce excess. All this occurs through movement and breathing exercises whose primary aim is the systematic moving and balancing of the chi (energy) in the human body. The ba duan jin exercises can be practised standing and sitting, making them beneficial and suitable for all fitness levels and abilities. The cost is €20 per workshop, payable on the door, with all proceeds going to Western Care Association. For further information and bookings contact Arend on 094 9367536 or 087 1679031.
Silver medals for Galway tai chi competitor
Galway tai Cchi practitioner Michael Grealish has claimed two silver medals a the biennial
Tai chi for health and vitality — free demonstration
Tai chi for health
Tai Chi classes
Tai chi classes will begin in Castlebar on September 6 from 7pm to 8pm at Castlebar Sports Complex, An Sportlann in McHale Road, Castlebar.
Master the art of tai chi
Tai chi chuan is the perfect mix of relaxation, self-defence, and exercise.