Search Results for 'Cllr Mike Cubbard'
41 results found.
Newcastle and Moycullen granted €10 million in funding for new community centres

After a long road it was a day for the communities of Newcastle and Moycullen to celebrate, in particular the hard-working committee who, for over 20 years, have been involved on the road that led to a €10 million announcement to deliver new community centres in Newcastle and Maigh Cuillinn. These new centres will support thousands of residents in Newcastle, Dangan, Bushypark, Maigh Cuillinn, and the many community groups and schools in the area.
Absence of toilet facilities at playing pitches a growing concern - Cllr Mike Cubbard

Cllr Mike Cubbard has called for action on the urgent need for toilet facilities at playing pitches around Galway. He believes that the lack of adequate facilities poses significant challenges for the comfort and well-being of young people.
Risk assessment of housing sex offenders is not working, Cubbard tells Council

The City Council risk assessment process utilised when processing the housing of sex offenders is clearly not working, a former mayor of the city has claimed.
We have failed to deliver adequate multi-use facilities in city, says former mayor
Bohs strengthen Lorient links with successful trip

Last year, Galway Bohemians were asked to participate in a twinning project between Galway and Lorient. Bohs have been going through a massive rejuvenation over the past decade and the committee agreed to take on this mammoth task which saw 44 young players sign up for the trip.
Galway City Council showcases city at reception for Californian Assembly members and industrialists

Galway City Council hosted members of the Californian Assembly and prominent industrialists, as part of a high profile delegation to Ireland last weekend. California is a source of significant foreign direct investment in industry in Ireland, with the visit to Galway represented a major opportunity to showcase Galway City, and outline investment opportunities to delegates.
Galway marks National Day of Commemoration

A ceremony was held in Galway last weekend to mark the National Day of Commemoration, honouring all those Irish men and women who died in past wars or on service with the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions.
Mayor Higgins to focus on promoting pillars and positivity for Galway

With hours of her election as Galway’s First Citizen on Friday, Mayor Clodagh Higgins had thrown herself into the role with gusto — commencing a year that she hopes will enable her to highlight all the great work that is being undertaken in communities right across the city.
Controversial plan for Renmore and Ballyloughane raises temperature at council meeting
A controversial plan for the Renmore and Ballyloughane area was debated at Monday’s Galway City Council meeting for more than two hours.
City Council praised for LED upgrade programme

The efficient manner in which the Galway City Council’s Public Lighting LED upgrade programme has been rolled out was praised by a number of councillors on Monday.