Do betting odds reflect the political reality in Galway West?

Thu, Feb 05, 2015

Insider always raises an eyebrow when bookies issue their odds on election betting - who’s a favourite, who’s not, etc - indeed, one of Ireland’s well known bookies gets RED C to carry out polling for it regularly, hence the odds that bookmaker offers reflects the results of the polls.

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Which Galway West candidate is a good bet for 2016?

Thu, Jan 29, 2015

Local bookmaker John Mulholland recently revealed betting odds for the anticipated Galway West candidates in next year’s General Election, and today Insider takes a look at the runners and riders, and examines where the smart money lies as the battlefield heats up ahead of what is likely to be an epic electoral contest.

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‘Politicians are all the same’

Thu, Jan 22, 2015

“Politicians are all the same“ is a very common refrain these days, and although it may disturb the more idealistic candidates and their canvassers, it has more than a grain of truth. The two governments that have reigned throughout the Irish economic meltdown have pursued the same policies, making the people pay for a crisis that was none of their doing.

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Could Ó Cuív use the free bus pass for the next election?

Thu, Jan 15, 2015

If Dáil Éireann goes to full term, and the General Election comes, not this year, but in April/May 2016, three sitting Oireachtas members in Connacht would be able to travel around their respective constituencies for free using their bus passes.

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2015 - it ain't going to be a dull year

Thu, Jan 08, 2015

With the festive period now over, politicians have turned their thoughts to the year ahead and in one respect the mood across the parties is the same – we are now in an election year.

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Grealish ‘interested’ but not yet convinced by Shane Ross’s alliance

Thu, Jan 08, 2015

Noel Grealish is reluctant to join any new alliance of Independent centrist TDs, currently being touted by deputies Finian McGrath and Shane Ross, until there is a plan in place and definite ideas on what such an alliance stands for.

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‘This Government resembles a substitute teacher who cannot control the class’

Thu, Dec 11, 2014

In a famous speech in 1992 Britain’s Queen Elizabeth referred to having just endured ‘an annus horribilis’. Well at Christmas 2014 any member of the Irish Government could make the very same statement.

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Farrell to take over from Ó Clochartaigh as SF standard bearer in Galway West?

Thu, Dec 11, 2014

Galway West could elect its first Sinn Féin TD in almost a century come the 2016 General Election, but it could be new city councillor Máiréad Farrell instead of current party standard bearer Sen Trevor Ó Clochartaigh.

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John Connolly being asked to run for FF in Election 2016

Thu, Dec 11, 2014

ohn Connolly, the long time Fianna Fáil member and former city councillor, is understood to have been approached by Fianna Fail to consider standing in the 2016 General Election.

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Éamon Ó Cuív - the man to revive FF’s Galway and national fortunes?

Thu, Dec 04, 2014

The national media is putting pressure on the two great Civil War parties to call a truce following the next general election so that an historic Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil government can be formed. This would-be Fianna Gael coalition – political commentators argue – is essential if the State is not to fall into the clutches of Gerry ‘Grizzly’ Adams.

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To win in Oranmore, you have to go through Grealish first

Thu, Nov 27, 2014

“The only valid poll is on election day!” is the guff politicians huff and bluster with when the latest round of opinion polls turn out badly for them. Yet fear not reader, Insider can assure you all politicians, regardless of what they say publicly, take opinion poll findings very seriously.

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Ó Clochartaigh or Connolly for the Dáil? Or both?

Thu, Nov 20, 2014

Protest works. This is the message of the last number of weeks. Although Insider is uncomfortable with some of the more intimidating displays seen recently, there is no denying that the scale of the anti-water charges protests, the palpable public anger, and the unprecedented display of hostility shown to both the Taoiseach and Tánaiste has chastened the Government.

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James Charity to contest next General Election

Thu, Nov 20, 2014

James Charity, the Independent politician first elected to the Galway County Council at last May’s local elections, has declared he will stand for the Dáil at the 2016 General Election.

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Will Walsh or Kyne survive the 2016 General Election?

Thu, Nov 13, 2014

It was not the bank collapse of 2008, the implosion of the economy, the unforgivable bank guarantee, nor four years of harsh austerity measures which forced the Irish people on to the streets in protest.

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Will Kitt or Keaveney win the Fianna Fáil seat in Galway East?

Thu, Nov 06, 2014

The catastrophic collapse of Fianna Fáil’s support at the last general election saw the party lose half of its seats in Galway as it nose-dived to the worst electoral result in its illustrious history.

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Why Conneely needs to persuade the women

Thu, Oct 30, 2014

The one thing which has been clear from the outset of the life of the new Galway City Council has been that it will be different from the last couple of chambers.

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End of the misery

Thu, Oct 23, 2014

Sighs of relief could be heard emanating from living rooms, offices and pubs across the country last Wednesday evening as finally after six years of unrelenting misery on Budget days there was some form of relief for hard-pressed citizens. Having endured such negativity in recent years most people would have settled for ‘not being any worse off’ after this Budget but in the end most people probably ended up modestly better off.

This was a notable turnaround as for most of the year, and until very recently indeed, the expectation was that this would be yet another Budget of retrenchment and the most people dared to hope for was that it would be the last such Budget in this cycle of austerity. Even as the public finances improved over the course of the year people only dared hope for something that might be described as having a neutral impact on their finances. This does then represent something of a turnaround in the country’s economic fortunes but whether it marks a turnaround in the fortunes of the government is not so clear.

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Food for thought from the recent by-elections

Thu, Oct 16, 2014

It was all about by-elections last weekend - two Dáil by-elections being watched closely with a view to gauging the mood music of the electorate; a Seanad by-election generating an inordinate amount of interest as the Government inflicted an unnecessary wound on itself; and two parliamentary by-elections in England which may yet prove to be of some interest this side of the Irish Sea.

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GRASSROOTS: Would lowering property tax only benefit the well off?

Thu, Oct 09, 2014

Wednesday September 17 saw an historic and crucial meeting of the Galway City Council take place with regard to the Local Property Tax. Irish democracy had a great outing and Insider was there to see and report on it.

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GRASSROOTS: Water charges - the heaviest austerity measure yet

Thu, Oct 02, 2014

Question - What country had a Robin Hood 90 per cent tax rate on its wealthiest citizens? The Soviet Union? Cuba? No; the United States. And lots of European countries as well.

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