Making use of the generosity of Galwegians

Thu, Nov 05, 2015

If the Nobel Academy awarded an annual prize for generosity then the Irish people would surely have won it many times over. This thought came to mind as Insider perused the secluded Tara China site, with the historic Mervue House, standing on three acres of gated grounds, surrounded to the front by trees.

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A bigger city council is not a more effective one

Thu, Oct 29, 2015

Some years back, when the review of local government was carried out, it resulted in the Galway City Council seeing an increase from 15 to 18 councillors. All three wards in the city would have six representatives each was the conclusion. That is reform for you!

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How Budget 2016 will affect the election in Galway and the State

Thu, Oct 22, 2015

If there was one thing Insider, and everyone else inside the political bubble, was agreed on, it was that the Government would fight tooth and nail to ensure nothing overshadowed the Budget that was to form the cornerstone of its re-election bid.

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Fine print reveals the flaws in Government messages

Thu, Oct 15, 2015

Before the 'Send' icon was clicked, someone should have asked Labour Galway West TD Derek Nolan if he wanted one final look over his press release welcoming Budget 2016, because concluding this happy statement, entitled Family-Friendly Budget Ensures Right People Benefit From Recovery, is one hell of a howler.

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Galway East - who will emerge victorious from the internal dogfights?

Thu, Oct 08, 2015

For many years Galway East was known as the dullest and most predicable of constituencies, reliably returning the same three TDs. Population growth and boundary changes saw the constituency gain a fourth seat in 1997, however, and this has given rise to some heated battles between the big two parties as well as seeing the emergence of Independent and Labour challenges.

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Tommy Roddy to run as Independent in Galway West

Mon, Oct 05, 2015

Tommy Roddy, who ran in last year's local elections, will stand as an Independent candidate in Galway West at the General Election, campaigning on water charges, better supports for the unemployed, and issues relating to mental health and suicide prevention.

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Why Trevor Ó Clochartaigh can win a Dáil seat

Thu, Oct 01, 2015

Whether the date of the next General Election is November 20, as has been mooted recently, or comes during spring 2016, two predictions are already confidently being made - indeed they have become an article of faith for some, an incontrovertible truth for others - regarding the fate of two high profile candidates in Galway West.

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Galway West - three sub-constituencies in one

Thu, Sep 24, 2015

With the scent of an election in the air, political anoraks in this column and elsewhere have been busy trying to foreshadow the outcome of the electoral contest taking place in Galway West at some stage over the next six months.

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Right2Water can win in Ireland, but will the EU let it?

Thu, Sep 17, 2015

For the first time in seven bitter years, we are witnessing serious opposition to Government policies that have made ordinary folk pay for an economic crisis they did not create. This resistance did not come from within the Dáil. It emerged through actions taken completely outside of the parliamentary process arising from the formation of the Right2Water campaign in opposition to water charges.

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A political autumn of dread and excitement

Thu, Sep 10, 2015

If it is early September it must be political 'think-in' season, when each of the parties, in turn, descend son hotels in various parts of the country to discuss strategy ahead of the commencement of the new Dáil term.

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Niall Ó Tuathail to run for Social Democrats in Galway-West

Thu, Sep 10, 2015

Niall Ó Tuathail's declaration to run as the Social Democrat candidate for Galway-West in Election 2016 comes as little surprise, despite the fact that he originally announced his candidacy, earlier this year, as an Independent.

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Niall Ó Tuathail to run as centre-left Independent in Galway West

Thu, Jun 25, 2015

Niall Ó Tuathail, who this week declared that he will stand as an Independent in Galway West for Election 2016, will host a series of 'town hall' style meetings to build a campaigning movement around his candidacy.

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Tommy Holohan to run for AAA in Election 2016

Thu, Jun 25, 2015

Tommy Holohan will stand for the Anti-Austerity Alliance in Galway West at Election 2016. The Claddagh man was selected by a majority of delegates at the recent AAA Galway selection convention.

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Galway postmistress to stand in next General Election

Thu, Jun 25, 2015

Seona O’Fegan has become the sixth woman in Galway to declare she will stand as a candidate in Election 2016. She is also the first in a series of community and post office candidates who will contest the upcoming General Election.

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Fine Gael/Labour the most likely victors of Election 2016

Thu, Jun 18, 2015

With summer upon us and the political season drawing to a close, it is an opportune time for Insider to take the political temperature and to speculate about what may lie ahead. This review is of course given an added edge by the fact that, at some point in the next nine months or so, what is likely to one of the most unpredictable general elections in the history of the State will be held.

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Call for Galway women to stand for election in 2016

Mon, Jun 15, 2015

Election 2016 is the first general election in the State where parties have to ensure 30 per cent of their candidates are female, or face financial penalties, and now a campaign group is calling on Galway women to put themselves forward for election to Dáil Éireann.

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Will any Galway West TD be a minister after Election 2016?

Thu, Jun 11, 2015

The Government formed in the wake of the 2011 General Election was the first in 30 years to be without a TD from Galway West amongst its ministerial or junior ministerial ranks. Indeed, since the demotion of Ciarán Cannon in the 2014 reshuffle, neither Galway constituency – which between them had elected six government deputies in 2011 – has been represented at the top table of Irish politics.

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Back to the future with Fianna Fáil?

Thu, Jun 04, 2015

Two things strike Insider immediately about the recently selected Fianna Fáil Galway West ticket for Election 2016 of TD Éamon Ó Cuív, county councillor Mary Hoade, and former city councillor John Connolly - and what is says about the party is not positive.

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What Irish political parties can learn from the UK election

Thu, May 28, 2015

While last week's historic referendum on same sex marriage was undoubtedly the political event of the year in Ireland, earlier this month the eyes in Leinster House were very firmly fixed on events across the Irish Sea and the British general election.

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Connolly v Mortimer battle for Fianna Fail nomination

Thu, May 28, 2015

Fianna Fáil holds its Galway West Election 2016 selection convention in The Clayton Hotel this evening. Six candidates have been nominated for inclusion on what is likely to be a three person ticket for the constituency, but only five of them will be seeking delegate support.

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