UCD — a University for All

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

UCD continues to rank in the top 1% World-wide of higher education institutions. Since 2017 UCD is No1 in Ireland for Graduate Employability. It is one of Europe's leading research-intensive universities and ranked No 1 in the US News & World Report's Best Global University Rankings 2020.

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Studying English and Media Studies in NUI Galway

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

The BA in English and Media Studies in NUI Galway is an engaging arts degree that provides students with an enlightening approach to the study of literature and culture. This course consists of the study of both Media Studies and traditional English Literature offerings.

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Educate to empower – The right to education

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Galway Traveller Movement are actively working to empower members of the Traveller community to go after their right to education. Traveller families face numerous barriers in the education sector which include racism and discrimination, low expectations, marginalisation, reduced timetables, poverty, poor literacy and digital disadvantage.

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Consider your CAO options at St Angela’s College, Sligo

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

For those choosing their CAO preferences for September 2022,St Angela’s College invites you to explore the range of courses available in Sligo, Ireland’s next university town. Course choices at St. Angela’s College include Home Economics (including teacher education with additional subject options); Nutrition, Food and Business Management; General Nursing; and Intellectual Disability Nursing.

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HEAR and DARE access routes

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

As the normal closing date for CAO is fast approaching on February 1, 2022, students who wish to be considered for HEAR or DARE must remember to have indicated this by ticking the boxes accordingly on their CAO form before the deadline of Feb 1st 2022.

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How ‘paying IT forward’ helps enrich diversity in the workplace

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

=It has been proven time and again that a diverse and inclusive workforce better supports an organisation’s success, yet the diversity challenge is far-reaching and all of ours to solve. Solutions can be complex and varied - for example, access programmes are important to reach students in need of financial support for third level education while role models and teachers are some of the most influential people in introducing female students to careers in STEM.

The diversity challenge is one of the reasons why Fidelity Ireland’s employees have been using their skills in design and technology to deliver STEM focused educational programmes to students across Galway, with participation from both primary and secondary schools as well as local universities. These programmes are designed to inspire students and spark an interest in STEM to help create the next generation of software engineers, UX designers, and architects.

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Atlantic Technological University to become new legal entity on April 1

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) will commence its operations as a new legal entity on April 1, 2022. To mark the historic occasion, GMIT, IT Sligo, and LYIT will host a week-long series of public events during the first week of April, details of which will be launched later this spring.

With eight campuses stretching from north Donegal to south Galway, many of the ATU locations will become university towns for the first time and it is hoped local communities will join staff and students in celebrating the successful conclusion of the merger and birth of the ATU

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Health and wellbeing tips for students

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

As parents I feel we have a duty to ensure that our children are nurtured and ready for their upcoming stress filled year, fed and watered so to speak, inside and out.

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How to apply online at CAO as important dates and deadlines loom

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

If you are making a CAO application this year, you may be aware that the CAO applications system opened on November 5, 2021.

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DOs and DON’Ts when choosing a college course

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

There are lots of different directions and avenues to explore when you decide to make the leap into higher education. For most students, that journey will involve a CAO application.

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DOs and DON’Ts when choosing a college course

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

There are lots of different directions and avenues to explore when you decide to make the leap into higher education. For most students, that journey will involve a CAO application.

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DOs and DON’Ts when choosing a college course

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

There are lots of different directions and avenues to explore when you decide to make the leap into higher education. For most students, that journey will involve a CAO application.

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The student council at Coláiste Éinde

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Every year in Coláiste Éinde the students elect a team of their peers across all years to form the student council. Our role as the student council is to work on ideas and initiatives which will benefit student experience of school life. Since September we have been busy working on projects such as participating in ‘Come In’ week to educate students about the LGBTQI+ community, and recommending changes in relation of other aspects of school life. We strive to not only make a difference in our school but encourage positive change in our greater community.

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Nursing — a rewarding career full of possibilities

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

“Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses. We must be learning all of our lives," Florence Nightingale, the founder of the modern nursing profession, once said, and her words are as relevant today as when she uttered them in the 19th century. A degree in nursing opens up a world of possibilities. While the discipline is naturally focused on caring for others, it also provides almost infinite opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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Lights up for new recruits at Blue Teapot

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Blue Teapot Theatre Company is recruiting new students into its performing arts school for September 2022. This is an opportunity for people with an intellectual disability, aged 18 and over, to gain formal arts training.

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The importance of choosing a course you really enjoy

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Starting university is supposed to be an exciting time, right? For my younger (and exceptionally indecisive) 19-year-old self, this was an extremely stressful time. I simply couldn’t decide on which courses I should add to my CAO list. If you find yourself to be stuck in the same position, then you’re probably juggling between a course that you truly love and one that you think is more practical. Making the right choice for your degree can be intensely difficult under the pressure of your parents and teachers, who may have rigid views on which courses will be more profitable than others.

From personal experience, I have realized the value of choosing a course that you truly enjoy. When I first started college, I enrolled in a General Science course, wanting to specialise in Biochemistry. Despite my aptitude and love for the subject of English, I believed that a scientific degree would be a more employable and profitable choice.

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Choosing subjects for senior cycle

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

There are lots of factors to consider when choosing your subjects for senior cycle so it’s extremely important to do your research and make informed decisions. Choosing subjects for Leaving Certificate is crucial to ensuring you achieve the best result you can in your Leaving Certificate.

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Students need to be inspired by what they are passionate about before choosing their course

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Choosing the right course for you can be daunting as a leaving cert student. Who really knows what they want to be in four years time? With hundreds of courses to choose from, it can often be difficult to narrow down to only 10 choices on a CAO form.

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Discover Letterkenny Institute of Technology

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

LYIT is an organisation that likes to move with the times. The institute realises the important role in providing opportunities for all of those who study there, and continues to be proactive in developing a suite of courses that give the best opportunity to progress in life.

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How to research courses and colleges in Covid times

Thu, Jan 20, 2022

Normally students use college open days to help them make their CAO choices. Open days provide a wonderful opportunity for both students and parents to get a feel for a college, and chat with staff and students.

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