NUIG's Lit and Deb to debate abortion and the Eighth

Speakers from pro and anti positions to state their case to the public

NUI Galway's Literary and Debating Society will tackle the issue of abortion and the Eighth Amendment when it debates the motion "This house would legalise abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy."

The debate, which is open to the public, and which the public are encouraged to attend, will be addressed by Janet O'Sullivan of the Abortion Rights Campaign, who will speak in favour of the motion, Lorcan Price, of the Pro-Life Campaign, will speak against. Prof John Morrison, head of obstetrics and gynaecology in NUI Galway, will outline the medical aspects related to the issue while not speaking for or against the motion itself.

"We hope this event will be of benefit to all interested members of the public," said The Lit and Deb's Paschal Mac Giolla Chainnigh, "to listen to, and if they want, participate in a structured debate involving people with various views, and so give them food for thought and hopefully it will help shed some light on the issue from all angles."

The debate takes place tomorrow [Thursday March 8] and runs from 8pm to 10pm. It will be held in the Kirwan Theatre, on the concourse of the arts/science building, NUIG.


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