Papal Nuncio to address Catholic conference in city on Saturday

Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, Pope Francis’s representative in Ireland will be guest speaker at a special one day Festival of Faith entitled Raising Hearts & Giving Hope this Saturday February 10 in the Ardilaun Hotel, Galway.

The message of the Raising Hearts & Giving Hope conference is the restoration of hope and confidence and has been described as an opportunity for Catholics and Christians to engage in discussion and reflection on the meaning of their faith.

Speaking following the conference launch, Fr. Eugene Barrett, OFM, Spiritual director for the event said ‘this Raising Hearts & Giving Hope conference attempts to address a real vacuum in Irish society.

“It challenges the widespread lack of hope that exists and encourages us, despite sins by some members of the Church, that being a Catholic enriches society and contributes to the ‘common good’.

“Catholic faith brings to our lives a distinctive spiritual and moral vision. This vision is based on the fundamental truth that the human person is made in the image of a loving, compassionate Christ and is the reflection of God amongst us. This image colours everything that the Church does and teaches,” he said.

The Papal Nuncio will open the day at 10 am. He will speak about the Year of the Family and The Joy of a New Beginning. He will also lead the 6 pm con-celebrated Mass at Galway Cathedral to close the conference.

Other high profile speakers include Breda O’Brien and Dr. John Monahan. A wide range of topics will also be addressed from other contributors including young people touching on topics such as: Dealing with the everyday pressures within the modern Family, Personal testimonies from young people open to Faith, Napro fertility care; and The influence of the Marian devotion on one young life.

A unique attraction for conference attendees will be the availability of Benedictine Crucifixes, blessed at the Christmas Day apparition in Medjugorje, and facilitated by a Medjugorie advocate Jim Brown and his team.

Tickets for the one day conference, available at the Abbey Church, are €25 to include light lunch and morning and afternoon tea/coffee.


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