Three stone lighter and ten times happier

Emily Quinn (32 ) joined Slimming World in April. She has since lost a whopping 3 stone 2lb and is about to become one of Galway’s newest consultants. Emily’s weight became an issue after she gave birth to her son eight years ago and she has battled with it ever since. "I was overwhelmed with becoming a new mom and that led to postnatal depression. I started over-eating and my weight spiralled. At that time my weight was not a priority.

"Eight years on I saw photographs of myself at my son's Communion and realised I had to make a change. Seeing myself brought me to a new low."

Emily went to her local Slimming World group in the Westwood Hotel and met the consultant Niamh. "I was given such a genuine and warm welcome and I have not looked back since." She was surprised when her consultant mentioned free foods — these could be eaten in unlimited amounts, and even included potatoes and pasta. "I was very apprehensive," she recalled. "I had tried other diets and failed, yet Slimming World was different. I left feeling determined. I couldn’t believe it when I lost 6.5lb that week despite never feeling hungry."

Emily credits her amazing weight loss to staying with the group each week: "Image therapy is fantastic and I leave feeling excited for the week ahead. Also the support you get from the group and your consultant is invaluable."

Emily is a different person, both physically and mentally. She now enjoys being more active and is a more confident and happy person. "If I could help one person feel as good as I do, that would be amazing," she said. "I would love to see as many members as possible in January so we can make 2018 a year of fabulous weight losses for all."

Emily will open her new group in The Ardilaun hotel, Taylor’s Hill, on Thursday January 4 at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to go along. For more information contact Emily on 085 2199771.


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