Anam Cara event for bereaved parents next month

Anam Cara Galway, an organisation that supports bereaved parents, is hosting its first monthly meeting of 2018 on Wednesday January 10 from 7.30pm-9:00pm in the Clayton Hotel, Ballybritt, Galway.

The meeting offers parents a safe and comfortable forum where they can connect with other bereaved parents who will understand the depth of their grief and loss.

A parent who attended a recent Anam Cara Galway meeting said: “What I heard was so familiar to me, I felt less alone and understood”

Anam Cara CEO Sharon Vard stressed that this event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age of the child or children, the circumstances of their death, or whether this was recent or not.

For those considering attending but unsure, Ms Vard suggests they visit the website, “There, in their own time, parents can watch our short videos with testimonies from bereaved parents and couples who have attended Anam Cara events. The videos, which are just four minutes each, show parents interviewed on topics like A Dad’s Grief, Sudden and Traumatic Death, and The Grieving Family.”

Anam Cara services are offered free of charge; one of the fathers who attends the group urged bereaved parents to give it a try. “There is no pressure to talk, yet you feel supported by the other parents who know how desperately hard it is after your child has died. Like so many bereaved parents Anam Cara has been my lifeline.”

For more information see or ring their Information Line on 085 2888 888.


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