The Galway Advertiser - Christmas Art Competition 2017


Once again Christmas approaches and inevitably that means it’s time to prepare for our Annual Christmas Art Competition. The principal aim of the competition is to find a glorious colour cover for the Christmas week edition of the Galway Advertiser on December 21 and in so doing we know a great many people derive a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from entering.

THE THEME FOR THIS YEAR WILL BE “What Christmas means to me”.

Christmas is a very public and people-oriented celebration which everyone owns. All religions celebrate family - friends home from abroad - warmth and friendship among the richness and diversity of Galway people. This year the judges would like to see your picture of Christmas; It can be celebrating the Hurling Team, and the many other sporting victories, the Christmas Markets, my family, The Christmas Crib, anything you like about Christmas. Please draw and paint it for us. Do what Stevie Wonder sang: ‘What Christmas means to me’.

Lots of prizes are being generously provided by: Mary Creaven-Ludden, Cregal Art Ltd, Monivea Road, Galway. Kenny’s Bookshop and Art Gallery, Liosbaun Industrial Estate, Galway and Ireland West Airport Knock.

The overall winner, who will be selected from every age group, will receive the main prize for 2 people of two return flights to London, 2 nights accommodation and 2 day passes to Legoland in Windsor, all thanks to our main sponsor this year Ireland West Airport Knock and €500 from the Galway Advertiser. The winning painting will be published on the front page of the special Christmas edition of the Galway Advertiser.

The competition will be judged in seven sections:

A. 6 years + Under

B. 9 years + Under

C. 12 years + Under

D. 14 years + Under

E. 19 years + Under

F. Special schools section

G. Best school entry

Please note:

(1 ) All entries must be in the Advertiser office by early afternoon, Saturday December 2.

(2 ) Try to keep your paintings on approximately 34cm high x 26cm wide paper (up to A3 size maximum ), and please submit your entry flat. Thisis most important as any crease on your painting can spoil reproduction.

(3 ) Sellotape on the back of your entry the following details: Your name, address, age, the name of your school, on a separate piece of paper. This is important as we receive so many entries names can get lost.

(4 ) You may enter as many times as you like.

Good Luck!


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