Shocked by reckless behaviour during Ophelia warnings

Dear Editor,

I note that the Taoiseach has stated that he will consider making it a criminal offence to ignore severe weather warnings, as some people did during hurricane Ophelia.

I was shocked with the reckless behaviour of individuals, such as those who went swimming during the hurricane, despite the red weather warning. This irresponsible behaviour endangers not only their own lives, but also the lives of emergency personnel who would have to be called to the scene if these foolish people found themselves in difficulty.

Those who knowingly engage in this type of reckless behaviour should face legal consequences, such as a penalty or fine, for their actions. However, given that the winter storm season is almost upon us, specific legislation penalising these actions needs to be introduced now, not later.


Nicola Daveron,

Bishop O’Donnell Road,



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